Van Ruler

Translations of work by A. A. van Ruler

What I Owe to Hoedemaker

What I Owe to Hoedemaker

A. A. van Ruler This article was published in the Hervormde Weekblad [Reformed Weekly] on September 25th, 1969. It is with Hoedemaker, in the circle of the confessionals in the national Reformed church, a curious case. For ten years he shot...
Politics, Church, and Kingdom

Politics, Church, and Kingdom

A Critique of Neocalvinist Politics A. A. van Ruler translated by Ruben Alvarado From the chapter “Church and State,” in Droom en Gestalte [Dream and Reality] (Amsterdam: Holland Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1947), pp. 189—214. All of this makes clear...
Sphere Sovereignty and the Theocratic Triangle

Sphere Sovereignty and the Theocratic Triangle

A.A. van Ruler translated by Ruben Alvarado(excerpted from Religie en Politiek , Nijkerk: Callenbach, 1945, pp. 373–379.) I am thinking here of course about the famous doctrine of sphere sovereignty. It was drawn up by Kuyper, but it has been ap...
The Church as Community and as Institution

The Church as Community and as Institution

Address delivered in Hilversum, the Netherlands, on April 23, 1942, to the local chapter of the Confessional Union. Originally published in Religie en Politiek (Nijkerk: G. F. Callenbach N. V., 1945). Translated by Ruben Alvarado In...