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- Coming to Grips with Roman Law
- Maine on status versus contract
- Savigny on Principles of Law
- Stahl on Possession versus Property
- The Decalogue and the Natural Law
- The Private-Law Character of the Common Law
- Thoughts on Sphere Sovereignty: A Critique of Harinck’s Thesis
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- The Church and Christian Politics II
- Baptism: Infant or Believers’?
- Constantinianism and Article 36 of the Belgic Confession of Faith
- The Kuyper Option
- The Politics of God and the Politics of Man
- The Roman-Law Background of the Concept of Equity
- Fountainhead of Liberalism
- Church, Kingdom, Liturgy: The Political Language of the New Testament
- New Light on the Spanish Inquisition
- The Domestic Balance of Powers: Church, State, and Civil Liberty
- Kuyper versus Hoedemaker
- Bohatec
- Hodge
- Hoedemaker
- Dedication at the Founding of the Free University in Amsterdam
- The Autonomy of Reason Considered from the Viewpoint of the Roman, the Lutheran, and the Reformed Church
- The Darkness Behind the World Stage
- The Evangelical Outlook in Holland
- The Free University and the Christian-National Principle
- The Reformation and the Reformed Church
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